Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NASA observes the Fleet of the Draconians and Andromedians

Ultraurgent Signal about Dragonian-Andromedian spacewar

Arrival of the Andromedian Hellenic Battle StarFleet in the orbit of planet Saturn 1999. From 1999 to 2002, the observatories "Mauna Kea" Hawai, observed and counted about 115 new satellites - moons of planet Jupiter and 340 new satellites of planet Saturn [In reality those are accordingly 118 and 360. Explanation of the above information is judged as non-publishable].

"NASA" as a subagent of "NSA" [NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY] forbid the american astronomers and astrophysicists to make public or academic statements of those observations, with the excuse of "NATIONAL SECURITY". At the same time "NASA" took care of the exclusive circulation of the relevant information to Mass Media and Universities, through JPL/NASA.

But ... the astrophysicists of "Mauna Kea" Hawai and other observatories leaked to the circuit of the Astronomy and Astrophysics U.S. Universities , that the 115+340 new satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, in their photographic and spectrum analysis, show a surface of glossy titanium metal. From indepedent researchers H.R.G. informed that about 40 astronomers in US have died by mysterious unresolved death causes in 2003. From 2000, other american observatiories radiotelescopes and neutrino telescopes leaked to the American Universities the information about the observation of some 460 spherical radiation sources of subatomic particles and neutrinos. [In reality the spherical sources are 600. Explanation of the above information is judged as non-publishable].

Conclusion: A. In the orbit of planet Saturn have assembled about 960 battle planets [360 Visible + 600 Invisible] of a starfleet that has attack position against the 7[8] inner planets (5 known + exploded Phaethon, Hephaistos and Hellas under Dragonian Control). In the orbit of planet Jupiter have assembled about 118 visible battle planets of another starfleet which has defensive position against the starfleet of planet Saturn.
"NSA"-"NASA" through "JPL" stated to the international media that the "new visible moons of Saturn and Jupiter are physical heavenly bodies which sportaneously [...] gathered there the 3 last years [!!!], from other places of our solar system."

The american astronomers and astrophysicists characterized the above "NASA" statement as "False" for scientific reasons that will not be analysed in this message.

The Andromedians Hellenes of Sirius, in their departure rest assured the "Dogon-Mali" that they will return.

The Andromedians Hellenes through Sirius are once again in our solar system.

-HRG- signal fraction - ultraurgent

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